Friday 15 January 2010

what will happen if i touch film before loading into my camera?

also, how far do i have to spin the film into the camera to begin taking pictures? sorry if that doesn't make since.. i'm new to this D:

since the film is most likely in a canister, all you are touching is the leader of the film. normally in most film cameras, once you put the leader in the slot of the take up spool. you just need to turn it maybe half a turn or so to make sure that caught properly. then close the back. and advance the film maybe once or twice. good luck and good shooting.

Answer by googleplex on 02 Jan 2010 08:09:36


You touched your film? Ofcourse..if you didn't, you wouldn't be able to load it in your camera heh.
I usually take 3 pictures with the back opened, then 1 with the back closed so I see if it's working properly.

Answer by TheDigitalPhotographer on 03 Jan 2010 02:21:58
Best Answer

Nothing. The leader is usually discarded after processing and smudges or fingerprints are washed away by processing.
I crank it once, and see if it's well and tighty held by the transport mechanism. Then close the back and advance it once more, looking at the rewind lever, because it indicates if the film is being transported well. Usually, the safe side for not getting a cut away or ruined picture is 2-3 frames.
If you load taking up less film at loading, you will be able to shoot some exposures more. So on a 36 exp roll, you could get 39-40 at maximum.

Answer by Flugzeug on 03 Jan 2010 11:55:47

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