Friday 15 January 2010

Olympus E420 settings?

Can someone explain to me the M/S/A/P dial settings?
What they do and how to use them.
Thanks (:
I would look in the manual, but it's in french -.-

Best Answer

They are:

M -- Manual, which means you set aperture and shutter speed

S -- Shutter priority, which means you set the shutter speed and the camera sets the aperture

A -- Aperture priority, which means you choose the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed

P -- Program, which means the camera handles both aperture and shutter

Your manual will have details. It's the best place to learn the details of operating your camera.

Answer by dbaldu on 02 Jan 2010 05:02:49

[URL Truncated]

There is a English version of the manual. It's definitely worthwhile reading it.

ASM are considered the "creative modes" where you actually take control of the camera's parameters.

A - is aperture priority, this is used when you want to control depth of field
S - is shutter priority, this is used when you need to control the shutter speed. Useful for when you want to create certain motion effects.
M - full control over exposure, you control both aperture and shutter speed, and thus the exposure of each frame. You can deliberately over or underexpose. Though this is possible in both A and S modes by means of Exposure Compensation.

P is program mode, and I think this mode isn't too handy. You have exposure compensation, but thats all you can do.

For me ASM modes are the only ones I bother using, the rest is pretty useless.

Answer by CiaoChao on 03 Jan 2010 08:20:16

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